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Back to 03.2016

Pay rise at Vyborg Shipyard

Vyborg Shipyard, forming part of United Shipbuilding Corporation, is increasing the personnel salaries from the beginning of March 2016. The pay rise has been decided jointly with the trade union committee of the company and approved by the General Director. Personal salaries of the employees will increase by 13%. In addition, from 1 March 2016 the staff KPI bonuses will be also increased by 13%.

It should be noted that salaries were indexed last year too. Despite the unstable economic environment the company is raising salaries, implementing social programs. Beyond that, in 2013 the shipyard management signed a collective agreement which affirmed supportive measures for the personnel.

"Vyborg Shipyard is one of the largest enterprises in Vyborg region, so its financial situation has impact on well-being of the town, company's employees and their families. The shipyard management has been always laying emphases on social sustainability of the company. We are trying to support our employees in every respect. Over the past few years, we have consistently and systematically been raising the staff salaries. Note, that we have also reinstated the practice of paying bonuses by results of the delivered orders", - mentioned General Director Alexander Solovyev.

Back to 03.2016