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Back to 07.2009

On the 7th July 2009 the festive Launching ceremony will be held on the territory of Vyborg Shipyard

Program of the Launching ceremony:

11.00 — 11.30 Solemn opening of the ceremony :

  • 11.00 — 11.10 — Speech by VSY Project Manager V.V. Markushin;
  • 11.10 — 11.13 — Hymn of the Russian Federation;
  • 11.13 — 11.30 — Speeches by:

    VSY General Director V.G. Levchenko, Governor of the Leningrad Region V. P. Serdjukov,
    Representatives of «Gazprom», «Gazflot», Chairman of the Board of Directors of VSY G.A. Poryadin
  • 11.30 — 11.45 Christening ceremony
  • 11.45 — 12.00 Launching of the Pontoon
  • 11.45 — 11.50 — Speech by the Godmother
  • 11.50 — 11.55 — Report by VSY Production Director V. I. Ruskin
  • 11.55 — 12.00 — Start of launching
  • 12.00 — 12.30 Press-conference at the outdoor building birth
  • 13.00 — 15.00 Buffet dinner

Among the invited persons were:

  • Members of the Russian Federation Government;
  • The governor of Leningrad region;
  • Heads of municipal authorities of Vyborg and Vyborg district;

  • Partners and colleagues of Vyborg Shipyard JSC.

The Ceremony will take place on the 7th of July 2009 at the territory of Vyborg Shipyard.

Address: Vyborg, Primorskoye shosse 2b.

Back to 07.2009