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Back to 07.2009

The RF Government congratulated Vyborg Shipyard personnel

The text of Congratulation:

Dear Valery Grigorjevich!

On behalf of Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade and on my own behalf I congratulate the management and personnel of Vyborg Shipyard with the successful launching of the SSFDR Gazflot SB Pontoon at Vyborg Shipyard on July 7th 2009.

This event is not only the matter of congratulation, but also the reason to understand the results, achieved by the Shipyard's personnel at this stage in order to deliver the accomplished product.

We should pay tribute to the specialists and employees of the Shipyard, who have applied their knowledge, intellect and experience during the construction period. In spite of the schedule workers have put all their efforts to complete the first stage of the drilling rig construction.

I congratulate the personnel with deserved victory on this stage. And I believe that you will continue tackling such tasks successfully in future.

Deputy Minister of Russian industry and trade D. V. Manturov

Back to 07.2009