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Back to 07.2009

In the water area of "Production Association «Sevmash» JSC the accomodation module was successfully loaded on offshore ice-resistant platform «Prirazlomnaya»

The upper hull accomodation module for offshore ice-resistant platform «Prirazlomnaya» was shipped off on June 17th from the quay side of Vyborg Shipyard JSC. Initially the transportation period of the newbuilding was planned to be performed within 25 days. However actually this process took only 17 days. Already on July 4th the upper hull module of offshore ice-resistant platform «Prirazlomnaya» entered the water area of "Production Association «Sevmash» JSC. According to the contract in the territory of this plant the main part of works on installation of the accomodation module on offshore ice-resistant platform and commsissioning works will be executed by the specialists of Vyborg Shipyard JSC. In the beginning of July of this year the production workers of Vyborg Shipayrd JSC have been sent to "Production Association «Sevmash» JSCfor carrying out the preparatory works.

On July 25th and 26th the shipbuilders of Vyborg Shipyard JSC celebrated a holiday devoted to Navy fleet Day and a professional holiday of the shipbuilders by the next labour success. In advance of the holiday, on July 25th, in the water area of "Production Association «Sevmash» JSC there was successfully performed the loading of the first block of the accomodation module with approximate weight 1300t by using of the rented floating crane «Rambiz» with capacity 3 000 t. The loading of the second block of the accomodation module with approximate weight 1100 t was performed in the holiday day — on July 26th. Execution of this loading was unique both in lifting and loading operations and scopes of preparatory and performing works.

Space-limited conditions for loading of the accomodation module parts and lifting height of about 40 metres at the boomout of the floating crane in the construction conditions of offshore ice-resistant platformrequired well-coordinated work of the floating crane «Rambiz» personnel, onshore team of VSY slingers and builders. The significant assistance was rendered by the production and sea service workers of PA «Sevmash», who due to the water level change in the water area had to perform fore-and-aft balance of the platform. At the present time the workers of Vyborg Shipyard JSC have started the completion phase of the module integration into the platform with the power supply systems final installation.

Reference: oil field «Prirazlomnoye» is located on the Barents sea shelf. Sevmorneftegas LLC, a 100 percent subsidiary of OAO Gazprom, is the owner of licence for exploration and production of hydrocarbons on the field «Prirazlomnoye».

Recoverable oil resources of the field «Prirazlomnoye» makes 46,4 million tones that enables to reach annual production level of about 6 million tonnes.

Back to 07.2009