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Back to 06.2009

The upper hull accommodation module of offshore ice-resistant stationary platform «Prirazlomnaya» was shipped

The upper hull accommodation module of offshore ice-resistant stationary platform «Prirazlomnaya» was shipped on the 17th of june 2009. Initially the transportation of Project was planned on the 14th of June, but due to unfavorable weather conditions, it was postponed till the 17th of June. Transportation time of the Project from the Vyborg Shipyard’s quay side, around Scandinavia, to Severodvinsk (2 600 miles) is circa 25 days. The major scope of accommodation module’s assembly works on MISP and commissioning works are to be carried out by the Vyborg Shipyard’s specialists on the territory of JSC «PO «Sevmash» in Severodvinsk.

For easy and safe transportation, accommodation module was constructed on the deck of special barge — UR-91 GRIMSTAD, by means of which it was shipped to Severodvinsk. The tugging is performed by the norvegian company «Ugland CONSTRUCTION AS».

The module was technologically divided into two blocks, each weights 1500 t. The loading process was designed was designed by Vyborg Shipyard’s specialists and will be carried out by the floating crane «Rambiz» (loading capacity 3000 t) in two completed grand-blocks in order to reduce outfitting works scope directly on the platform.

The interiors of accommodation module provide comfort conditions for rest of personnel and easy maintenance. Installation of module’s cabins was performed by specialists of German company «R&M» in collaboration with Vyborg Shipyard’s ones.

The final integration, testing and delivery of «a turn-key» project is to be performed by the specialists of Vyborg Shipyard in Severodvinsk.

This works are carrying out as part of Prirazlomnoye oil field development project realization. MISP Prirazlomnaya is intended for the parallel exploitation and drilling of vertical, directional and horizontal wells at the Prirazlomnoye field, oil storage and its unloading on tankers directly from the platform.

Back to 06.2009