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Back to 06.2009

Vyborg Shipyard was visited by the delegation of the JSC Gazprom headed by Deputy Chairman of the Board — A.G. Ananenkov

On the 24th June 2009 Vyborg Shipyard was visited by the delegation of the JSC Gazprom headed by Deputy Chairman of the Board — A.G. Ananenkov. The visit took place as a part of three day’s meeting between Russian shipbuilding companies. The meeting was dedicated to the questions of workboats and equipment creation for Arctic shelf development.

During the visit the members of delegation were acquainted with progress of construction works of two SMODUs for exploration of Shtokman gas condensate field by JSC Gazprom. Delivery of the first Unit is planned for the year 2010, second — 2011. SMODU’s construction is based on concept design of MOSS CS-50 MK-II, VI generation. The basic design was changed in order to provide the seamless work of the SMODU in harsh arctic conditions. In particular, there were made additional arrangements for riser protection from ice damages during drilling works and provision of the platform’s failure-free operation.

The representatives of delegation saw the technical achievements of Vyborg Shipyard within 2008-2009 years— new cleaning and painting line for steel plates and profile and abrasive-structural cleaning of blocks and hull constructions. These installations enable to increase production capacity of the Shipyard and introduce technologies of automatic production control. In addition, during engineering and construction works of new objects the technical solutions in reduction of harmful substances, released to the environment, were involved.

Upon completion of the presentation excursion the meeting, dedicated to the consideration of the questions concerning current activities and further production loading of the Shipyard, was held on its territory. The participants of the meeting discussed promising projects of Gazprom up to the year 2020 and possibility of their realization on the facilities of the Shipyard. The leaders of Gazprom were also acquainted with the construction plan of the new Shipyard in Prymorsk.

Back to 06.2009