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Back to 05.2009

A grand meeting dedicated to the Labor Day was held on the 30th of April

A grand meeting dedicated to the Labor Day was held on the 30th of April. The event was opened by HR Director — Alexander Lysov, who in his complimentary speech congratulated all attendees on coming holiday and thanked all workers for good and selfless work. After, the employees were congratulated by children’s creative team of pre-school educational institution «Rodnichok».

Order on the event was read by the chairman of Vyborg shipyard’s union — Oleg Kuzmin. For work success and active participation in social life and production process of the shipyard 25 employees were awarded with honorary diplomas, 34 employees were awarded with appreciation certificates. 5 employees were awarded with valuable gift— watches with shipyard’s logotype.

Back to 05.2009