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Back to 05.2009

On the 7th of May the opening ceremony of gym was held on the premises of Vyborg Shipyard

On the 7th of May the opening ceremony of gym was held on the premises of Vyborg Shipyard. The official part of the event was opened by HR Director — A.P. Lysov. He reported to the attendees of the executed construction works. Within 1.5 months reconstruction of the room was made and exercise machines were installed by the efforts of shipyard’s employees. The support was lent even by the subcontracting organizations, working on the premises of the Shipyard. General Director V.G.Levchenko congratulated employees on meaningful event. Valery Grigoryevich awarded employees of shipyard and contracting organizations with appreciation certificates and valuable presents. Afterwards, the member of Board of Directors A.P. Petrov in his turn congratulated all employees and wished great victories to the sportmen of shipyard.

The honorary right to cut the red ribbon was given to the General Director of Vyborg Shipyard — V.G. Levchenko, to Master of Sports in power lifting, to (SKMS) of Shop №8 — S.L. Brazhnik, and to the third winner of national competition among veterans at the age group from 50 to 59 years, and also to the electric welder of the shop №5 — V.K. Fedotov.

Back to 05.2009