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Back to 04.2020

Vyborg Shipyard resumed operation after a week of quarantine

Vyborg Shipyard PJSC (part of United Shipbuilding Corporation) resumed operation after a week of quarantine, observing all necessary precautions and sanitary standards to prevent the employees from getting infected with coronavirus.

In accordance with Order of the Governor of the Leningrad Region No. 171 dated 03.04.2020, subject to the compliance with necessary quarantine measures (subparagraph 1 of paragraph 21), Vyborg Shipyard resumed full-scale work after the  one-week quarantine.

All the employees, with the exception of elderly people over 65, expectant mothers and employees with serious chronic diseases are back to their duties. They are provided with medical masks and undergo temperature screening at entry gates.

During the alert epidemiological situation, a floating work time schedule is introduced at VSY in order to avoid congestion at the gates, locker rooms, rest rooms and canteens.

CEO Alexander Solovyev noted that the shipyard is fully supplied with sanitizers – within one week there will be arranged 150 special dispenser stations. There were procured 15,000 medical masks for the personnel.


Back to 04.2020