Sea trials of SSFDR “Severnoe Siyanie" are successfully completed
On April, 16th this year, sea trials of the second similar semi-submersible floating drilling rig “Severnoe Siyanie”, which was constructed for Gazflot, have been successfully completed. The test program of trials of SSFDR was similar to the test program of the first SSDR, and lasted five days. It has included the control of speed quality of rig, maneuvering ability, working ability, fitting of all working parts, and control of anchor pull in the conditions of navigation. During this time employees of Vyborg Shipyard JSC together with workers of contract organizations approved that all technical characteristics of SSFDR are fitted to the project.
Now “Severnoe Siyanie” is in water area of shipyard SHI in South Korea, where it has system integration tests. On completing of these tests, drilling rig will be directed to port Holmsk for preparation for a.