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 Версия сайта для слабовидящих

In the territory of Vyborg Shipyard rolling out of left and right pontoons of SMODU to the open fitting-out staple took place


In the territory of Vyborg Shipyard rolling out of left and right pontoons of SMODU to the open fitting-out staple took place on 20th and 27th of March.

Forming of blocks and metal cutting of sections being executed at fitting-out berth at the present time


Forming of 12th and 22nd blocks and metal cutting of bottom sections, side sections and deck sections of 11, 13, 21, 23 blocks is being executed at fitting-out berth at the present time.

At the present time forming of the pontoons hulls of Project 106 has been finished


At the present time forming of the pontoons hulls of Project 106 has been finished and mounting of the first level of columns is being carried out on the pontoons which is due to be finished by March of the current year.

Solemn startup of a new shop for abrasive — structural cleaning of blocks and hull constructions


Solemn startup of a new shop for abrasive — structural cleaning of blocks and hull constructions.