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Back to 03.2009

Solemn startup of a new shop for abrasive — structural cleaning of blocks and hull constructions

On March 12 on the premises of Vyborg Shipyard there was held a solemn ceremony of startup of the new shop for abrasive — structural cleaning of blocks and hull constructions.

The ceremony was attended by the heads of municipal authorities of Vyborg and Vyborg region, members of the Board of directors of Vyborg Shipyard, partners and colleagues.

The processing area of the new shop is defined by a layout of equipment and quantity of workplaces and makes 1900 sq. m, including cleaning and painting areas — 1 680 sq. m, service space and compressor room — 200 sq. m, paint preparation area — 20 sq. m. Now the area of the block working surface may make up to 300 000sq. m, and block overall dimensions — 24x22x25m with the maximum weight to 270 tons.

Technological procedure of hull and block treatment in the shop consists of eight following stages: the first and the second stages include block transportation by a self-propelled trailer to the shop and their installation on support structures, then there is performed preparation of working surfaces. After that there are carried out works on shot blasting of the surfaces to degree of preparation SA2.5, removal of used abrasive, dedusting of the structures, shop ventilation. At the next stage the structure is prepared for painting, unpainted zones are marked and isolated, preliminary and interlaminar shop primer is applied, welding joints and hard-to get –at places are painted, then there is followed a level-by-level painting, intermediate and final drying. Last stage of work to be performed is quality control and transportation of the block from the shop.

In the new paint shop there will be used epoxy, polyurethane on vinyl base, alkyd and other types of paints as paintwork materials, usage of them will unable to extend the technological guarantee for the paint — and — lacquer coatings with sacrificial protection up to 10 years.

When designing and building of the new painting shop, engineering solutions on reduction of harmful substance emission to the environment were provided. During cleaning and dedusting of the blocks the ventilation system operates, providing cleaning of deaerated air in the filter system to the regulatory requirements. During priming and coating exuded aerosols are caught by the filter ventilation system, that does not allow aerosol to settle on the painted surfaces and workshop structures.

For prevention of emergency situations, such as fire in the painting shop, explosion in paint preparation area there are provided the dangerous concentration control system and alarm system. If concentration of explosive substances in the air of working area reaches the dangerous level, power supply is automatically switched off and the curtain gates are opened.

The total cost of building, purchase of the equipment and its installation made aproximately 110 million rubles.

Back to 03.2009