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Back to 03.2009

In the territory of Vyborg Shipyard rolling out of left and right pontoons of SMODU to the open fitting-out staple took place

In the territory of Vyborg Shipyard rolling out of left and right pontoons of SMODU to the open fitting-out staple took place on 20th and 27th of March. Length of each pontoon is 118m, breadth — 17,2m, height — 10,5m and weight — approximately 4000t. There weren’t any difficulties during the rolling out process despite the impressive measurements of the pontoons.

Next construction step will be painting of the internal rooms of pontoons, after that these constructions will be ready to be launched.

These works are constructed under the Contract signed between «GAZFLOT» Ltd. and JSC «Vyborg Shipyard».

Back to 03.2009