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Back to 10.2009

Production meeting in South Korea

In the first decade of October in South Korea there was held the follow-up quarterly meeting between representatives of Vyborg Shipyard JSC and the company-subcontractor Samsung Heavy Industries. Production meetings are held within the frameworks of realisation of the contract signed by Vyborg Shipyard JSC and Gazflot LLC in interests of Gazprom company for construction of two semi-submersible drilling rigs for development of Shtokman gas-condensate field. Samsung Heavy Industries is carrying out works on construction of topsides for SSFDRs. The main purpose of meetings is informing of the partners about construction stages.

During visit to South Korea representatives of Vyborg Shipyard JSC have familiarised with the construction work progress. Building of the topside for the first and the second SSFDR is being performed according to the schedule without any failures. In accordance with the work schedule in the beginning of April, 2010 there will be started preparatory works for loading out the topsides for the first semi-submersible drilling rig. The towage period will take about two months as the transportation route will pass on the Pacific, Indian, Atlantic oceans, around Asia, Africa and Europe to Murmansk. During negotiations the parties have agreed that Samsung Heavy Industries will undertakes a part of obligations on performing of acceptance tests of SSFDR topside.

By the results of the meeting management of Vyborg Shipyard JSC has arrived at a decision regarding necessity to send the specialists of the shipyard to South Korea for studying the technical features of construction and functioning of engineering systems of SSFDR topsides.

The next meeting will be held in the territory of Vyborg Shipyard JSC in January next year.

Back to 10.2009