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The hull assembly of the icebreaker project 21900M has been started at Arctech Helsinki Shipyard


Last week Arctech Helsinki Shipyard carried out loading of the first block of the icebreaker project 21900 M in the dry dock.

The partner of Vyborg Shipyard, Arctech Helsinki Shipyard, won the tender for construction of the icebreaker


On January 22, 2014 Arctech Helsinki Shipyard being together with Vyborg Shipyard JSC a part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation was declared the winner in the tender for construction of the icebreaker for the Finnish Transport Agency.

VSY and the Leningrad Region Government signed a Contract allowing the Shipyard to start the next stage of modernization


Vyborg Shipyard JSC and the Leningrad Region Government concluded a Contract for providing the investment activity state support.