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Back to 01.2009

SeaDragon management has sent a letter of gratitude to the team of Vyborg Shipyard JSC

In March 2007 between Vyborg Shipyard JSC and the Swiss company Sea Horse Ventures there was signed a shipbuilding contract for construction of a multi-purpose bare deck platform Moss CS 50 MkII for the ultimate customer SeaDragon. On request of SeaDragon management construction of the platform was conducted ahead of schedule and in result the platform was delivered before the contract date.

To express its acknowledgement SeaDragon management has sent a letter of gratitude to the team of Vyborg Shipyard JSC:

«Seadragon would like to take this opportunity to thank all Vyborg personnel that participated in the successful completion of NB 102.
Seadragon staff have worked extensively on many shipyards in all areas of the world and in our professional opinion the personnel of Vyborg shipyard have conducted themselves in an exemplary and professional manner, furthermore you should be proud of the achievement of delivering NB102 some three months ahead of schedule which is a new precedent set in the oil and gas industry.
Once again Seadragon THANK YOU all for the effort, commitment and courtesy you have shown for the duration of out time here in Vyborg and would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a happy and prosperous new year».

Back to 01.2009