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Back to 04.2013

Naming ceremony for the icebreaking platform supply vessel built with the assistance of Vyborg Shipyard JSC took place in Helsinki

April 11, 2013 - Naming ceremony for the Aleksey Chirikov icebreaking platform supply vessel took place in Helsinki. Construction of the series of these vessels is a joint project of Arctech Helsinki Shipyard and Vyborg Shipyard.

“Aleksey Chirikov” is the second from two vessels built by Vyborg Shipyard JSC and Arctech Helsiki Shipyard by the order of Sovcomflot  JSC. Lead ship of the series of multipurpose platform supply vessels “Vitus Bering” was delivered to the Customer in December 2012.


Modern multipurpose vessels of the series will be operated in the Far East seas of Russia. In particular, it is planned to use this type of icebreaking supply vessels to ensure the smooth operation of oil production platforms at the Arkutun-Dagi field in the Sea of Okhotsk.

Back to 04.2013