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Back to 06.2010

The annual meeting of shareholders of Vyborg Shipyard JSC was held at the premises of Vyborg Shipyard

On June 9, 2010 the annual meeting of shareholders of Vyborg Shipyard JSC was held at the premises of Vyborg Shipyard.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vyborg Shipyard Georgy A. Poryadin opened the meeting having wished all the shareholders fruitful work. The number of votes registered for participation in the general meeting made 68,54 % of the total number of voting shares of the Company. Thus, the members of the meeting were competent to pass decisions on the agenda.

General Director Valery G. Levchenko reported on the operational results of Vyborg Shipyard in 2009.Financial and economic activity of Vyborg Shipyard JSC by results of the year 2009 is characterized by the following performance data: 

Performance Unit For 2009
Shipping volume/ volume of services (including the fulfilled stages of work-in-progress and under protocols of partial completion) Thousand rbl. 25 775 541
Profitability of shipped products, services % 4,6%
Sales Profit Thousand rbl. 1 129 732
Net profit Thousand rbl. 1 172 473
Actual tax and levy expenditures Thousand rbl. 4 731 108
Average number of personnel Person. 1 680
including workers Person. 1 063
Payroll bill Thousand rbl. 571 259
Average monthly salary of employees Rbl. 28 219
Average monthly wages of workers Rbl. 28 723
Capital investments, total Thousand rbl. 141 395
Including those according to funding sources    
Enterprise own resources Thousand rbl. 49 694
Raised funds Thousand rbl. 91 701
Capital investments, total Thousand rbl. 141 395
Buildings and facilities Thousand rbl. 63 643
Machinery, equipment, means of transport Thousand rbl. 77 752

In accordance with the approved agenda the following questions were considered at the general shareholders’ meeting:

  1. Approval of the annual accounting reports of Vyborg Shipyard JSC for 2009, including profit- and-loss account, internal audit commission report and auditor’s report;
  2. Reducing of share capital of Vyborg Shipyard JSC by  redemption of bought out shares;
  3. Allocation of profit by results of 2009;
  4. Approval of the Charter of Vyborg Shipyard JSC as amended;  
  5. Definition of quantitative representation of the Board of Directors of Vyborg Shipyard JSC;
  6. Election of members of the Board of Directors of Vyborg Shipyard JSC;
  7. Election of members of the internal audit commission of Vyborg Shipyard JSC;
  8. Approval of the auditor of Vyborg Shipyard JSC;

Vote returns on the main issues of the agenda of the annual meeting of shareholders of Vyborg Shipyard JSC will be published at the beginning of June 2010.

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